Project Member

  1. Course Instructor, GIAN-Global Initiative of Academic Networks, Program al Guvernului Indian, Manufacturing & Characterization of Composites, Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India.
  2. Educational expert, IVAC- Lanț valoric integrat pentru îmbunătățirea pieței muncii, cod 2SOFT/1.1/94, Programul operațional comun România-Republica Moldova, predare curs Procesarea și prelucrarea materialelor compozite și desfășurare activități practice în injectarea materialelor compozite, printarea 3D și scanarea 3D.
    Coordonator proiect: UniversitateaTehnică ”Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași,

3. CNFIS-FDI-2019-0021, The internationalization of students education at TUIASI

Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

4. Contract Nr. 60PCCDI ⁄ 2018, PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0239, 2018-2020, Obtaining and expertise of new biocompatible materials for medical applications, Component 1 Project “Biodegradable Mg-Based Alloys for Orthopedic Implants – ORTOMAG”

5. Project FP7, Contract No. 218940/11.06.2008

Title 5&7 Energy&Transport, Collaborative Project, Achieving Real Change with Innovative Transport Measures Demonstrating Energy Savings-ARCHIMEDES (Call Identifier FP7-SST-2007-TREN-1_28june), 2008-2012

6. PN2 Project / Program 4-partnerships, Cercetari avansate privind tehnicile de eliminare a agentilor microbiologici in procese de purificare a apei utilizand radiatii UV (Advanced research on techniques for removing microbiological agents in water purification processes using UV radiation), Contract no. 61-038/18.09.2007, Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

7. Project CEEX-MI
Contract No. 317/2006
Coordinator: University of Bacau
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Technology integrated manufacturing of parts made of thin metal plates

6. Proiect FP6, Coordinator: PyroGenesis SA-Grecia, Injection Moulding of Titanium
Powders for Biomedical Application, Contract no. 017991/2005

7. Project CEEX-MI
Contract No.  22/2005
Coordinator: “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Methods of simulation, modeling and virtual and digital production, information technology and communication it dedicated the new generation of reconfigurable manufacturing systems

8. Project CEEX/NTPR/ Relansin Program
Contract No. 20-CEEX MI/2005
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: New technology to increase productivity and quality bearings

9. ANSTI/2001-2003 Grant, C type, Îmbunătăţirea proprietatilor de exploatare a pieselor tratate mecanic prin procedee de deformare plastica la rece (Improving the operating properties of mechanically treated parts by cold plastic deformation processes)

10. MEN Grant, 19 theme cod CNCSIS 230 and 37089/2000 31 theme cod CNCSIS 890, (1999-2000), Creşterea durabilitităţii şi calităţii arborilor canelaţi obţinuţi prin deformare plastică la rece (Increasing the durability and quality of groovs shafts obtained by cold plastic deformation), Contract No. 34280/1999

11. CNFIS 2000 Grant, Entry. No. 716/09,10,2000, Cod 59, Program independent de educație permanenta. Asigurarea calității și fiabilității constructiilor sudate. Organizare de laborator (Independent continuing education program. Ensuring the quality and reliability of welded constructions. Laboratory organization)

12. CNCSIS Grant, grant D type, Contract no. 40/1997, Program de studii aprofundate şi de doctorat în direcţiile prelucrabilităţii materialelor, tehnologiilor neconvenţionale şi de finisare a suprafeţelor (Program of in-depth studies and doctorate in the directions of materials processing, unconventional technologies and surface finishing)

13. Tempus AC-JEP, Restructuring of the university continuing education centres at two Romanian universities, Contract no. 13468/1998

14. Tempus AC-JEP, Network of leading centres on continuing education for industry, Contract no. 13578/1998

15. Tempus S-JEP, Quality Assurance in Engineering Degree Programs, Contract no. 11230/1996

16. CNFIS Grant C/1997 type, Asigurarea şi managementul calităţii. Scoală de înalte studii postuniversitare (Quality assurance and management. High school postgraduate studies)

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