Project Manager


1). ENI-Cross Border CooperationThe Research and Innovation Operational Center in Advanced Fabrication, 2SOFT/1.2/177

2). Erasmus+ project, key action 2, Implementation of new technique platform for the material machining (PNTMOM), Coordinator Dr. Ahmed Frikha -University of Sfax, National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia, Partner-Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania

3). Erasmus+ project, key action 2, Capacity building for science and innovative technology for the internet of robots (STIR), Coordinator prof. Mouna Baklouti-University of Sfax, National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia, Partner-Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania

4). PNIII/P1 - Development of the national research-development system, 2017, Smart coating technology with nano particles (SCoT)

5). PCE 2016, Exploration the use properties of liquid wood parts obtained by injection moulding and coated by ceramic  nanoparticles in order to replace plastics

6). H2020, Proposal SEP-210267102, 2015, Ceramic coated „liquid wood” parts obtained by 3D printing for severe mechanical environments (CC-SME)

7). MANUNET ERA-NET, 2015, New types of biomass-based composites (NT-BBC)

8). Scientific collaboration between Romania and China, 2014, Advanced research on obtaining parts by “liquid wood” injection moulding, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


1. TUIASI Publication Grant, GI/P21/2021

2. PNIII-1.2.PDI-PFC-C1-2018, "Dezvoltarea institutionala a TUIASI prin cresterea vizibilitatii si a performantei cercetarii" (Institutional development of TUIASI by increasing the visibility and 
performance of research) (TUIASI-COMPETE), Coordinator with the students' activity, Project Manager, Carmen Loghin
3. Erasmus+Programme Key Action 1- "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania & University of Monterey,
San Pedro Garza García, Mexico, 2018-2020.

4PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI2017-0446: Contract no. 82 PCCDI/2018, Development of the national research-development system, 2017, Smart forming of composite materials for automotive body parts.

Coordinator: Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau, Romania
Project title: Smart manufacturing technologies for advanced production of parts in the automotive and aeronautics industries

Partner: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi

5. Erasmus+,Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania & Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, 2016-2021. 

6. PN2/Four Program-Partenership

Contract No. 71-071/18.09.2007
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Advanced Research on obtaining composite materials reinforced with particles and stratified reinforcement

7. CEEX/CNI-ICAF/Relansin program
Contract No. 127-CEEX MI/27.07.2006
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Advanced research on the interface intermetallic nanocompounds aluminum-carbon fiber composites

8. CEEX-MII Program
Contract No. 6150/26.09.2006
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Management of research projects

9. CEEX-MII Program
Contract No. 6151/26.09.2006
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: : Management of research projects


Contract No. 339/2006, Service provider: Intergroup Engineering

Project Title: Regional research-innovation center, technology transfer and continuous training in advanced processing technologies

11. Relansin Program

Contract No. 1733/2003
Coordinator: Tehnoton SA Iaşi
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Automatic electronic toll system of taxation and centralization of data management in public transport

12. Relansin Program
Contract  No. 1732/2003
Coordinator: Tehnoton SA Iaşi
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title:Fuel supply system with selective access to furniture and automatic data collection status

13. Leonardo da Vinci Program
Contract  No. RO/01/B/F/PP141119, 2001-2003
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Multimedia network for an effective development of the ICT basis in SMEs, on an European view-ICT net

14. Relansin Program
Contract  No. 1734/2003
Coordinator: Tehnoton SA Iaşi
Partener: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: System remote control and switch of transformer stations

15. ANSTI Program
Contract No. 6177/2000
Coordinator: “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi
Project title: Increasing the quality and lower cost manufacturing of grooved shaft formed by cold forming using Taguchi method

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