Articles in Proceedings of International Conferences (Selection)

Abstracts/Papers Submitted:

Papers Published/Papers Presented:
  1. Alina Marguta, Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Constantin Carausu, Dumitru Nedelcu, Biodegradable polymer properties through ceramic coatings, MATEC Web of Conferences, 368, 01017 (2022),
  2. D. Mărguță, E Herghelegiu, C Tampu, S-N Mazurchevici, D. Nedelcu (autor corespondent), Behavior of Arboblend V2 Nature under AWJ machining, IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1182 (2021) 012044, doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1182/1/012044

3. A-D Mazurchevici, R Popa, C Carausu, R Comaneci, S-N Mazurchevici, D Nedelcu, (2020), Basic mechanical analysis of biodegradable materials, NewTech2020 International Conference, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, accepted manuscript, volume with WoS indexation

4. C Carausu, S-N Mazurchevici, A–D Mazurchevici, L Andrusca, R Comaneci, D Nedelcu, (2020), Mechanical Characterization of Additive Manufactured Samples from Biodegradable Materials, Proceedings of ModTech2020 International Conference, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 916, 012016, volume with WoS indexation

5. Justina Georgiana Motas, Fabrizio Quadrini, Dumitru Nedelcu, (2020), Silver Nano-Coating of Liquid Wood for Nanocomposite Manufacturing, ElsevierProcedia Manufacturing, 47, 974-979

6. Motas J.G., Nedelcu D., Challenges with developing antimicrobial bio-materials by combining liquid wood and silver nanoparticles, EHB 2019 Conference Proceeding, Article number 8970018,  DOI10.1109/EHB47216.2019.8970018

7. I V Manoj, R Joy, S Narendranath and D Nedelcu, Investigation of machning parameters on corner accuracies for slant type taper triangle shaped profiles using WEDM on Hastelloy X,  ModTech2019 International Conference, June 19-22, Iasi, Romania, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 591 (2019) 012022, doi:

8. T Chereches, P Lixandru, D Dragnea, D Nedelcu and D-M Chereches, The numerical simulation of the heterostructures behaviour from dielectric materials and superhard at launch in space, ModTech2018 International Conference, June 13-16, Constanta, Romania, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 400 (2018) 042009 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/400/4/042009

9. Radu Ioachim Comăneci, Dumitru Nedelcu, and Leandru Gheorghe Bujoreanu, Influence of tools geometry and processing conditions on behavior of a difficult-towork Al-Mg alloy during equal channel angular pressing,  AIP Conference Proceedings 1896, 200004 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5008241, ESAFORM2017, April 26-28, Dublin, Ireland

10. Simona Plavanescu (Mazurchevici), Constantin Carausu, Radu Comaneci and Dumitru Nedelcu,  The influence of technological parameters on the dynamic behavior of “liquid wood“samples obtained by injection molding,  AIP Conference Proceedings 1896, 030038 (2017); doi: 10.1063/1.5008025, ESAFORM2017, April 26-28, Dublin, Ireland

11. Dumitru Nedelcu, Simona Plavanescu, Constantin Carausu, The Influence of Technological Parameters on Tensile Strength of Liquid Wood Specimens Obtained by Injection Molding, Proceedings of the ICMTE2016 International Conference, October 5-7, Seoul, Korea, pp. 18

12. S. Plavanescu (Mazurchevici), D. Nedelcu, O. Pruteanu, Scratch analyses of biodegradable materials, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Materials Technologies and Modeling (MMT2016), July 25-29, Ariel University, Israel, pp. 2.26-2.23

13. C. Carausu, D. Nedelcu, G. Belgiu, Analysis of Milling Machining Strategies that Conducts to an Optimal Solution, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Materials Technologies and Modeling (MMT2016), July 25-29, 2016, Ariel University, Israel, pp. 1.161-1.167

14. Simona Plavanescu (Mazurchevici), Dumitru Nedelcu, Denise Bellisario, Constantin Carausu, Surface Analysis of Arboform Samples, PPE2015, September 24-26, Galati, Romania, Key Engineering Materials, 699, 80-85

15. João Fradinho, Dumitru Nedelcu, António Gabriel-Santos , António Gonçalves-Coelho, António Mourão, Some Trends and Proposals for the Inclusion of Sustainability in the Design of Manufacturing Process, ModTech2015, June 17-20, Mamaia, Romania, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 95 (2015) 012142, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012142, 1-6

16. R Comăneci, L Zaharia, D Nedelcu, L G Bujoreanu, Processing of cylindrical hollow parts: piercing vs. extrusion, ModTech2015, June 17-20, Mamaia, Romania, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 95 (2015) 012142, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/95/1/012032, 1-7

17. Carausu Constantin, Simona Plavanescu, Dumitru NedelcuImpact Comparative Study of Phone Carcasses Behavior by FEM, PCM2015, May 16-19, Beijing, China, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 87 (2015) 012100 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/87/1/012100, 1-7

18. Octavian Pruteanu, Constantin Carausu, Dumitru Nedelcu (2015), Roughness of the Revolution Surfaces Processes by Honing, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 760, 483-488

19. Daniel Chirita, Simona Plavanescu (Mazurchevici), Dumitru Nedelcu, The 3D Liquid Wood Sheets Forming Through a Vacuum Process, Tehnomus – New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies, May 8-9, Suceava, Romania, 150-153

20. Ciofu Ciprian Dumitru, Nedelcu Dumitru, Finite element in designing of the gate location, shape and moulding injection path, ModTech2014 International Conference, July 13-16, Gliwice, Poland, Advanced Materials Research, 1036, 417-421.

21. Dumitru Nedelcu, Nicoleta Monica Lohan, Constantin Carausu, Octavian Pruteanu, (2014), Some Considerations Concerning the Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Ultra Tough Plastic Materials, ACME2014, June 12-13, Iasi, Romania, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 659, 107-111.

22. Elena Puiu, Nedelcu Dumitru & Lucia Vrajitoriu, Transport Phenomena In “Liquid Wood” Treated With a Complex Fluid Using the Scale RelativityModTech2014 International Conference, July 13-16, Gliwice, Poland, Advanced Materials Research, 1036, 77-82.

23. Ciprian Ciofu, Dumitru Nedelcu, Irina Ciofu, Octavian Pruteanu, (2014), Microindentation of Ultra Tough Plastic Materials, Manuscript accepted, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference MMT2014, July 28-August 1, Edited by M. Zinigrad, Ariel University, Israel, pp. 2.11-2.16.

24. Dumitru Nedelcu, Simona Plavanescu, Elena Puiu, (2014), Impact Resistance of “Liquid Wood”, Proceedings of ModTech2014 International Conference, July 13-16, Gliwice, Poland, Advanced Materials Research, 1036, 13-17.

25. Dumitru Nedelcu, Ciprian Ciofu, Nicoleta Monica Lohan, Constantin Carausu, (2014), Differential Scanning Calorimetry of Ultramid Plastic Materials, Proceedings of teh 8th International Conference MMT2014, July 28-August 1, Edited by M. Zinigrad, Ariel, Israel, pp. 2.69-2.74

26. Dumitru Nedelcu, Sabina Zagan, Negreanu Pirjol Ticuta, Zagan Remus, Constantin Carausu The Effect of Ultraviolet Light on the “Liquid Wood”,  IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 62 012021 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/62/1/012021

27. Dumitru Nedelcu, Constantin Carausu, Ciprian Ciofu, (2013), Technology, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Samples Obtained by Injection from Arboform L, V3 Nature Reinforced with Aramid Fibers, Proceedings of ASME 2014 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2014), June 9-13, Detroit, USA, 1-5.

28. Simona Plavanescu, Dumitru Nedelcu, Monica Nicoleta Lohan, (2014), Consideration on the micro-indentation and differential scanning calorimetry of arboform reinforced with aramid fibres, Advanced Materials Research, 837, 718-723, doi: 10.4028/

29. Dumitru Nedelcu, Radu Comaneci, (2013), Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Technology of Samples obtained by Injection from Arboblend, The ModTech2013 International Conference-Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering, 27-29 June, 2013, Sinaia, Romania.

30. Dumitru Nedelcu, Andrei Stefan, Daniel Mindru, Simona Plavanescu, (2012), Flexural Properties of Samples Obtained from Liquid Wood, The International Seminar Selected Engineering Problems, October 25-26, Gliwice, Poland.

31. Dumitru Nedelcu, Daniel Mindru, Ioan Carcea, (2012), Investigation on Structure and Mechanical Properties of Samples Obtained from Arbofill by Injection Process Compared with Polyamide 6.6 Nature Reinforced with Glass Microsphere, ICCCI 2012, 2-5 September, Kurashiki, Japan.

32. Dumitru Nedelcu, Ciprian Ciofu, Gheorghe Cretu, (2012), Economic Efficiency Analysis of Investments in Machine Manufacturing Industry, Proceedings of 16th International Conference ModTech2012- ISI Proceedings, Sinaia, Romania, 661-665, ISSN 2069-6736.

33. Cristinel Badea, Dumitru Nedelcu (2011), The management of e-learning platform for higher education, Proceedings of MSE International Conference 2011-ISI Proceedings, Volume II, 77-81, ISSN 1843-2522.

34. Dumitru Nedelcu, Olivera Milosevic, Romeu Chelariu, Costel Roman & Dan Cretu (2010),  Overview of stratified composite materials with metallic matrix Proceedings of 14th International Conference ModTech2010- ISI Proceedings, Slanic-Moldova, Romania, 423-427, ISSN 2066-3919.

35. Teodor Daniel Mindru, Ciprian Dumitru Ciofu, Dumitru Nedelcu (2010), Some aspects regarding the simulation of injection process, Proceedings of “2nd International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-Tech Products Development” MecaHitech2010, Bucharest, Romania, 212-217.

36. Mindru, Teodor Daniel, Filip, Iulian, Nedelcu, Dumitru (2010), CAE system importance in cutting tools, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation ModTech 2010- ISI ProceedingsMay 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova ROMANIA, ISSN 2066-3919, 395-399

37. Nedelcu, D; Milosevic, O; Chelariu, R, (2010), Overview of stratified composite materials with metallic matrix, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation, ModTech 2010- ISI Proceedings, May 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova ROMANIA, ISSN 2066-3919, 423-427.

38. Dumitru Nedelcu, Daniel Mindru, Lucian Tabacaru and Gheorghe Cretu, (2009), Some aspects regarding the simulation of two component injection process, Proceedings of PPE International Conference, 22-23 october 2009, Galati, Romania, 269-275, ISSN 2066-9984.

39. Dumitru Nedelcu, Thomas Stöhr, Ciprian Ciofu & Daniel Mindru, (2009), Some aspects concerning the physical models obtained using high performance composite material, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation, ModTech2009- ISI Proceedings, 455-459, ISSN 2066-3919.

40. Ciobanu, R.M., Nedelcu, D., Condurache, G., (2008), Continuing education in project management-a requirement from romanian higher education, Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on the Quality Management in Higher Education-ISI Proceedings, 12-14 June 2008, Tulcea-Romania, 167-172, ISBN 978-973-730-496-4.

41. D. Nedelcu, P.Cobzaru, L.Tabacaru, C.Carausu, (2008), The experimentation research plan for obtaining the layers composite materials, ICMEN 2008 Chalkidiki-Greece, 357-362, ISBN 978-960-243-649-3.

42. Nedelcu Dumitru, Tabacaru Lucian, Merticaru Vasile, (2008), The preventive management of innovation-research projects for obtaining the composite material using the liquid foundry,  Conferinta Internationala Masini si Tehnosfera 2008, Donetsk-Ucraina, 191-195, ISBN 966-7907-23-6.

43. Nedelcu Dumitru; Tabacaru Lucian; Ciobanu Romeo-Mihai; & Cretu, Gheorghe, (2008), Some aspects concerning the measuring of forces for deformation different profiles of composite materials Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium, Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsibility and Ethics –ISI Proceedings, Trnava-Slovacia, 961-963, ISSN 1726-9679.

44. Nedelcu, Dumitru; Carcea, Ioan; & Ghenghea, Laurentiu (2008), Some aspects of technologies for obtaining the samples from composite material with layers and particles reinforcement Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium, Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsibility and Ethics –ISI Proceedings, Trnava-Slovacia, 959-961, ISSN 1726-9679.

45. Dumitru Nedelcu & Petru Cobzaru (2007), Some aspects concerning the mould design for samples obtained from composite aluminum-carbon fibers, Proceedings of the 18th International DAAAM Symposium, Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus on Creativity, Responsibility and Ethics, 2007-ISI Proceedings, Croatia-Zadar, 497-499, ISSN 1726-9679.

46. P. Cobzaru, D. Nedelcu, (2006), The Fracture Simulation of the Al-Zn Carbon Fibers Composite, ICCCI 2006, 6-9 September, Kurashiki, Japan.

47. Dumitru Nedelcu, Al-Nakeeb Hassan, (1996), The stress analysis of the exterior grooves using method of finit element, TMCM – Iaşi, 307-312, ISBN 9975-910-00-9.

48. Dumitru Nedelcu, Ionel Sarbu, Octavian Pruteanu, (1994), Machine for forming exterior grooves using cold plastic deformation, ASRTP’94-Kosice-Zlata Idka-Slovak Republic, 216-221.

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