Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information
 First name / Surname  Dumitru Nedelcu
 Address  Nicolae I. Popa 10E
 Telephone  Mobile: (0040).771346968
 Fax  (0040)232.242109
 Nationality  Romanian
 Date of birth  July 06, 1967

 Occupation field

Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor
“Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi (TUIASI), Blvd. Mangeron nr. 59A, 700050, Iasi, Romania
President of ModTech Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies
Ph.D. Supervisor, Technical University of Moldova, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Doctoral School of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Specialty 242.05. Technologies, Processes and Processing Equipment
Associate Member – Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR)
Associate Member –  Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR)
Manager of Precision Mechanics and Nanotechnologies Laboratory – ISO Certification 9001/2008;

Education and training:

1987-1992:   Mechanical Engineer, “Gh. Asachi” Polytechnic Institute of Iasi, Romania;

1992-1998:   Economist, “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania;

1994-1998:   Doctor Engineer, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania;

2002-2003: Expert in general management and consulting in the fields of industrial management, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Association of Terotechnics and Terotechnology of Bucharest, Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest.


-197 articles (36 in ISI journals with impact factor; 43 in WoS Proceedings; 26 in national/international  databases journals; 34 in national journals; 58 in volumes of national/international conferences); 39 books/book chapters/books as editor; 4 patents.

PhD Activity: 10 doctoral students internships/extensions; 10 PhD theses; member of 43 doctoral commissions at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Politehnica University of Bucharest, “Dunarea de Jos” of Galati, “Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, Military Academy of Bucharest; 6 external reviewer at Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy; S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat (Gurajat), India; University Putra Malaysia, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.

Director/Member Research Projects: Director at 14 national/international projects and member in 17;

√ Hirsch Indices: Google Scholar = 13; Scopus = 11; WoS = 9;

√ Awards: 

1). Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Dorin Vaideanu, Doreen Rapp, Cristian-Dragos Varganici, Constantin Carausu, Mihai Boca, Dumitru Nedelcu (autor corespondent), Dynamic mechanical analysis and thermal expansion of lignin-based biopolymers, Polymers 2021, 13, 2953,, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2021-63726

2). Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Justina Georgiana Motas, Mariana Diaconu, Gabriela Lisa, Nicoleta Monica Lohan, Mihai Glod, Dumitru Nedelcu (autor corespondent), Nanocomposite Biopolymer Arboblend V2 Nature AgNPs, Polymers 2021, 13, 2932,, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2021-64882

3). Justina G Motas, Nima E. Gorji, Dumitru Nedelcu, Dermot Brabazon, Quadrini Fabrizio, (2021), XPS, SEM, DSC and nanondentation Characterization of Silver Nano-Coated Biopolymer Pellets, Appl. Sci. 2021, 11(16), 7706; , PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI-2021-63793

4). Dumitru Nedelcu (corresponding author), Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Ramona Iuliana Popa, Nicoleta Monica Lohan, Demofilo Maldonado Cortes and Constantin Carausu (2020), Tribological and dynamical mechanical behaviour of prototyped PLA-based polymers, special issue Functional and Architected, Materials, 13, 3615; doi:10.3390/ma13163615, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI2020-48435

5). Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Andrei-Danut Mazurchevici and Dumitru Nedelcu, (2020), Dynamical mechanical and thermal analyses of biodegradable raw materials for additive manufacturing, Materials, 13(8), 1819, doi:10.3390/ma13081819, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECISI2020-48441

6). Esteban Broitman, Dumitru Nedelcu, Simona Mazurchevici, Hervè Glenat, Stefano Grillo, (2019), Tribological and Nanomechanical Behaviour of Liquid Wood, Journal of Tribology – Transactions of the ASME,  141(2), Paper No: TRIB-18-1012, doi: 10.1115/1.4041074, IF 1.648 Paper awarded by UEFISCDI, PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECISI-2019-37180

7). Senate Medal of the Silesian University of Technology of Gliwice (SUT), Poland, May 2018, for the long-term development of the collaboration with SUT

8). Nedelcu Dumitru, Cobzaru Petru, Scurtu Ramona, Chelariu Romeo, Die for producing samples made of metal matrix composite material by liquid forging, Patent awarded by UEFISCDI, PN-III-P1-1.1-PRECBVT-2017-0537

9). Dumitru Nedelcu, Nicoleta Monica Lohan, Irina Volf, Radu Comaneci, (2016), Thermal behaviour and stability of the Arboform® LV3 Nature liquid wood, Composites Part B: Engineering, 103, pp. 84-89, Paper awarded by UEFISCDI, PN-III-P1-1.1- PRECISI-2016- 12811

10). Diploma Award, ”Nicolae Beşchia” Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, June 2016

11). Silver Medal, Dumitru Nedelcu et al., Equipment to obtain composite materials reinforced with particles, UGAL INVENT, October 8-10, 2014, Galati, Romania

12). Dumitru Nedelcu, Investigation on microstructure and mechanical properties of samples obtained by injection from Arbofill, Paper awarded by CNCSIS, PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2013-7-1862

13). Dumitru Nedelcu, Ioan Carcea, Technology for obtaining samples of layered composite materials with metallic matrix, Paper awarded by CNCSIS, PN-II-RU-PRECISI-2013-7-1947

14). Dumitru Nedelcu, Ciprian Ciofu, Monica Lohan, Microindentation and differential scanning calorimetry of liquid wood, Paper awarded by CNCSIS, PN-II-RU-2013-7-3235

15). First prize, Nedelcu D., Microindentation and differential scanning calorimetry of liquid wood reinforced with aramid fibers, Machine-Building and Technosphere of the XXI Century International Conference, Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 2013;

16). Silver Medal, D. Nedelcu, et al., Die for producing samples made of metal matrix composite material by liquid forging, Euro-Invent, September 22-24 2011, Sevastopol-Ucraina;

17). Gold Medal, D. Nedelcu, et al., Equipment for the manufacture of particle-reinforced composite materials, comprises a crucible provided with some heating resistors and a paddle for mixing molten material, crucible being carried by a support, Euro-Invent, September 22-24, 2011, Sevastopol-Ucraina;

18). Gold Medal, D. Nedelcu, et al., Equipment for the manufacture of particle-reinforced composite materials, comprises a crucible provided with some heating resistors and a paddle for mixing molten material, crucible being carried by a support, September 22-24, 2011, Sevastopol-Ucraina;

19). Silver Medal, D. Nedelcu, et al., Die for producing samples made of metal matrix composite material by liquid forging, September 22-24, 2011, Sevastopol-Ucraina;

20). Nedelcu Dumitru, et al., Aspects regarding the use of FEM for calculus performing at the injection moulding of a high accuracy part, Paper awarded by CNCSIS, CNCSIS-2009

21). Ion Postolache, Catalin Fetecau, Felicia Stan, Dumitru Nedelcu, Study of the polymer flow through tubular runner, Paper awarded by CNCSIS, CNCSIS-2009

22). Excellency Diploma, Dumitru Nedelcu, Advanced Researches Concerning the Composite Materials Obtaining, International Invent Salon  PRO INVENT, VI Edition, April, 1-4 2008, Expo Transilvania, Cluj Napoca, Romania;

23). Excellency Diploma Iasi 600 – Gold Medal, Nedelcu D., et al., Advanced Researches Upon Intermetallic Nanocompounds Composite Materials Aluminum-Carbon Fibers, Jubilee International Salon of Research, Inventions and Technology Transfer, Inventica 2008, 14-24 May, Iasi, Romania;

24). Gold Medal, Dumitru Nedelcu, Grooves control device, National Invent Salon EcoInvent, Iasi 2003, Romania.

25). Third prize, M. Popa, D. Nedelcu, A. Sofronie, C. Badea, The E-learning platform ICT-net, Machine-Building and Technosphere of the XXI Century, Sevastopol, Ukraine, September 2003;

Visiting Professor/Guest Professor/ Erasmus teaching internships:

TAT, Engineering Institute, Tokyo, Japan; University of Osaka, Japan; Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland; Grenoble Institute of Technology, France; Alecu Russo University of Balti, Republic of Moldova;

Erasmus teaching internship: Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland; University of Parma, Italy;  University of Monterrey, Mexico;

Plenary/Keynote/Invited Speaker: 

2023: ICES2023, Ankara, Turkey, February 3-4;;

up to 2022: 31 lectures at international conferences in France, Spain, Japan, China, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Malaysia, South Korea, India, Israel, Mexico; USA, Turkey,

Participation/Organization International Seminars:

Member of National and European Commissions:

-CNATDCU 2020-to date, the National Commission of Engineering and Production Management;

-European Honors Council, Research Commission: 2018-to date;

-CNATDCU 2016-to date, the National Commission of Industrial Engineering and Management-the Appeals Commission;

-TUIASI Senate: 2020-to date; 2016-2020; 2012-2016

-CNATDCU April 2011-September 2012, National Commission of Industrial Engineering and Management;

– Member of the experts national panel for the national projects evaluation-2010;

√ Editor in Chief:

-International Journal of Manufacturing Economics and Management (IJMEM), ModTech Press, Romania

-International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT), Global Vision Press, Australia;

-Advanced Engineering Forum (AEF), Trans Tech Publications Inc., Switzerland;

-International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies (IJMMT), ModTech Press, Romania;


-Topic editor, Materials, Basel, Switzerland;

-Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences, New Delhi, India;

-Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation (JMEA), USA;

-Journal of Military Technology, Romania;

-Journal Wybrane problem inzynierskie, Gliwice, Poland;

-Journal of Physics and Technics, “Alecu Russo” University of Bălţi, Republic of Moldova;

-Co-Editor, Annals of Constanta Maritime University, Romania;

-Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia;

-Journal of Applied Technologies in Environmental Sanitation, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia;

√ Guest Editor:

-Materials, Special issue, Studies on Additive Manufacturing of Advanced Materials;

-International Journal of Materials and Product Technology (IJMPT)-Great Britain, Guest editor, vol. 50(3-4), 51(3);

-Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Sciences (IJEMS)-India, Guest editor, vol. 21(3),

-IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering – Great Britain, Guest editor, vol. 95, 145, 227, 400, 591; 916;

Member of editorial boards at international conferences:

-NCIMAE2020, Delhi-India; RAM2020 Surat-India; AMPT, Madrid-Spain; PCM, Beijing-China; ACME, Iasi-Romania; Machine-Building and Technosphere of the XXI Century, Sevastopol-Ucraine; ModTech-New Face of TMCR, Iasi-Chişinău-Belgrade; NewTech, Galaţi-Brno, Czech Republic; Satee, Alba Iulia, Romania; Tehnomus, Suceava-Romania; MecaHitech, Bucharest-Romania; MSE, Sibiu-Romania; Selected Engineering Problems, Gliwice- Poland; ICCCI, Kurashiki, Japan; ModTech, Romania; POLCOM, Bucharest-Romania; PPE, Galaţi-Romania; Light, Bălţi-Republic of Moldova; OPROTEH, Bacău-Romania.

√ MOU (Memorandum of understanding) Coordinator

2018-to date: Coordinator of MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between TUIASI and Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland;

2019-to date: Coordinator of MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) between Laboratory of Fine Mechanics and Nanotechnologies, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology and Tribology Lab, Engineering Department, University of Monterrey, Mexico;

2019-to date: Coordinator of MOU between Laboratory of Fine Mechanics and Nanotechnologies, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology and Laboratories of Ma.Te.R.G. (Manufacturing Technology Research Group), Department of Industrial Engineering, Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy;

2019-to date: Coordinator of MOU between Laboratory of Fine Mechanics and Nanotechnologies, Department of Machine Manufacturing Technology and Materials Research Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland;

2016-to date: Coordinator of MOU between: Engineering Laboratory of the Ulsan University, South Korea and the Laboratory of Fine Mechanics and Nanotechnologies of the Faculty of Machine Manufacturing and Industrial Management, TUIASI;

2019-to date: Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies (ModTech) and the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR);

2019-to date: Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies (ModTech) and the Romanian Academy of Scientists (AOSR);

2018-to date: Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies (ModTech) and the General

Association of Romanian Engineers (AGIR).

Occupied positions:

March 2018-September 2020: Director of TUIASI Doctoral School;

2009-to date: President of ModTech Professional Association, Iasi, Romania,;

2013-to date: President/President of Organizing Committee of ModTech International Conference;

2009-2012: President of Organizing Committee: ModTech-New face of TMCR 2009,  ModTech-New Face of TMCR 2010,  ModTech-New Face of TMCR 2012 International Conferences;

2005-20082010-2013: Member of the Administration Council of AJOFM Iasi, Romania;

2007-2008: Member of the Academic Council of “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania;

2004-2008: Permanent guest of the Senate, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi;

2004-2008: Director of the Programs Department, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Romania;

2004-2008:  Director of the master’s program in project management;

2000-2003: Member of the Administration Council of Agmus SA, Iasi, Romania;

1999-2006: Executive advisor of UGIR1903 Iaşi, General Union of Industrialists of Romania, Iasi Branch, Romania;

1996, 1999: Fellow Tempus and the Government of Romania at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain;

Member of Professional Associations/Councils:

-Romanian Welding Association;

-Member of the European Honor Council – Research Committee;

European Scientific Association for Material Forming (ESAFORM), Netherlands;

-General Association of Engineers in Romania (AGIR);

-American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT);

-Serbian Ceramic Society – Composite Materials Section;

-Romanian Association of Science Mechanisms and Machines;

-IFToMM (International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science);

-Manufacturing Engineering University Association (AUIF), Cluj-Napoca, Romania;

-Project Management Romania-Branch of Project Management International, USA;

-International Union of Machine Building-Ucraine;

Participant: 66 international conferences/seminars from: Romania, Spain, USA, Japan, China, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Montenegro, Moldova, Greece, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria, Slovenia, Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Malaysia, Mexico.

Expert evaluator: CNCSIS; CEEX, INTAS (European Union) – ERA NET;

√ Scientific reference / Reviewer: 8 books, over 150 papers in the WoS/databases journals and  international conferences proceedings;

√ Foreign languages: English, Spanish.

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